Good Thinking, Good Products

Welcome to my blog. The intention behind this site is to document and order my thoughts. It’s primary purpose is to act as offline storage for my brain. It should also allow me to gather my thoughts on topics of interest, and hopefully distill and refine them. If it helps anyone else, even better.

This is an effort to improve my learning around subjects, and to improve my thinking processes that influence that learning. The act of creating these post is the process of elaboration in action, as described in the book Make it Stick, basically taking new material that we are learning and giving it meaning by reshaping it into our own words, and relating it to things that we already know.

The topics I’m going to (mainly) cover will be:

  • Delivering Software Products
    • Technical Topics
    • Delivery Process
  • Health and Fitness
  • Learning

Which brings me to the title of the post, it’s a phrase that is Toyota’s slogan and can be seen on signs around their factories espousing their desire to create a learning organisation, one that understands the importance of feedback and promotes continuous improvement based on evaluating it. For me, it seems fitting as a statement of intent for this site, if I improve my thinking I’ll improve my product - me. It will give me a chance to think about the mental models that I use, that is those assumptions that we hold that govern our view of the world, and the way we act.

Let’s see how it goes.